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Managing Medication: tips and tricks

Managing your medication, especially when dealing with pre-existing conditions, can be a real puzzle. However, with a plan at hand, a steady routine, plus some tips and tricks, you can make this part of your life a breeze.

We’ve assembled some useful tips and tricks to help you get on top of your medication routine.

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Organization is Your Best Friend

Start by creating a list of all your medications. Include their names, dosages, and the times you should take them. You can use dosette boxes or blister packs for medications to keep everything in order. These handy tools make it easier to manage your meds, especially if you’re on a 4 times a day medication schedule.

Set Alarms and Reminders

Smartphones are your allies here. Set up daily alarms or reminders to take your medication. It’s a great way to manage your schedule.

The MyTherapy app is especially useful. It’s available on the Apple and Google Play stores and you can set up detailed alerts which tell you what to take.

Sync with Daily Routines

To remember your medicine, link taking them with something you already do daily. Whether it’s brushing your teeth in the morning or watching your favourite show at night, making it a habit will help you stay on track.


Whenever you get a new or repeat prescription, take a moment to double-check that you’ve received the correct medication, especially if you’re using blister packs. Mistakes can happen, and you want to be sure you’re getting what you need.

Ask Questions

Don’t hesitate to ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist questions about your medication. Understanding your treatment plan can boost your confidence in managing your meds.

Create a Medication Chart

 A simple chart or calendar can help you track your meds, whether they’re in dosette boxes or blister packs. Visual aids like stickers or colourful markers make it more engaging.

Keep Medications Handy

Store your meds in a place where you can find them easily but remember to keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Traveling with Medication

If you’re a traveller, always carry your meds in their original containers, especially if they’re in blister packs. And pack extra doses, just in case. Check the rules for your destination regarding pre-existing conditions and medication. Also, it’s worth considering a back up plan if you were to lose your medication. If you’ve got hold luggage, consider keeping your medication in your carry on, just in case you become separated.

Don’t Skip Doses

Missing doses can interfere with your treatment plan. If you forget to take a medication, don’t double up the next time, unless advised by your doctor. Follow your medication management plan and consult your healthcare provider if you have concerns.

Stay Informed

 Read the labels and educate yourself about your medication. Some meds can interact with each other or impact your diet, so it’s crucial to know what’s what.

Ask for Help

If you’re struggling to manage your meds, reach out to friends, family, or a caregiver. They can provide support and reminders.

Dispose of Expired Medications

Old medications lose their potency and can be harmful, even if they’re in blister packs. Follow guidelines for proper disposal or return them to a pharmacy.

Stay Consistent

Consistency is key to managing your meds, especially if you’re on a multiple times a day medication schedule. Stick to your routine even when you’re feeling better, as many medications work best when taken regularly. Speak with your medical professional if you are unsure.

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