Your Guide to Accessible Beds
What are accessible beds?
Accessible beds are beds that are designed to help people sleep, rest and get in and out of bed when a standard bed doesn’t adequately meet their needs. Getting out of bed can be incredibly difficult for people with mobility issues, long term conditions or a disability, and accessible beds can help the user to remain independent as well as receive adequate care and comfort. Accessible beds have several features including electric controls, adjustable height, side rails, wheels or a variable posture mechanism.
Who can benefit from accessible beds?
There are so many reasons why someone might need an accessible bed, and it’s important that organisations and businesses make their facilities as accessible as possible, from hotel rooms for disabled people to specialist care homes. In fact, in the UK, over 10 million people have a limiting long-term illness, impairment or disability. Many people get to a stage in life where an accessible bed is essential, due to reduced mobility or degenerative conditions which affect their daily functioning. In care homes and residential homes, many residents might need an accessible bed, so they can receive proper care and remain comfortable and dignified.
Accessible beds for comfort and recovery
Many people may have to stay in bed for a long period, due to a medical procedure or condition, and accessible beds are designed to make this process as easy and comfortable as possible, while reducing risks of pressure sores, falls or injuries. Accessible beds can also be ideal for people who have had an operation or prolonged illness, where they have no choice but to stay in bed for a long time. In these cases, an accessible bed is crucial, so they can remain comfortable, adjust their position, and have adequate support.
Different types of accessible beds
There are a number of different types of accessible beds, designed to suit different needs with unique functions and features. Variable posture beds are beds that have sections built into the base that are hinged to create back support or foot support and can have two to five sections. Accessible beds are ideal for those who need help sitting up in bed, or lying down, and a variable posture bed can make this process far simpler, with controls for the individual or caregiver to raise different sections of the bed.

up or lying down in bed.
Turning beds are electric-powered beds that help the individual to turn from one side to the other, usually found in hospitals. Adjustable height beds have a manual or electrically powered mechanism which can adjust the height of the bed to meet the person’s needs and prevent falls. Some accessible beds might need wheels to allow the bed to be moved around a hospital or care home, which can be locked for safety. Side rails are another feature of some accessible beds, which can help to prevent falls and make a patient feel more secure. Another important feature of accessible beds is the inclusion of an alarm in case of an emergency, so the user can request help or alert staff to any discomfort.
Accessible bed installation
Installing an accessible bed can be one of the easiest ways to make a room disability friendly. Many organisations, businesses and companies have chosen to install accessible beds to make sure their services are accessible for everyone. Think about the size of the space you have – some accessible beds might be too large for a domestic setting or hotel room and it is important that the bed can easily be accessed without obstructions, or by someone in a wheelchair. It may also be important that your bed is next to a power source. Many specialist accessible bed manufacturers will offer installation services and offer advice and guidance for the best positioning.
How to find accessible beds
There are a wide variety of accessible bed options available, with different functionalities. When you are looking for an accessible bed, it’s important to do your research, making sure the bed has the right features and looking for positive customer reviews. If you are choosing accessible beds for a medical facility or care home, it’s essential that it meets all the correct health and safety guidelines too. Specialist adjustable bed companies offer a wide selection of options, such as adjustable electric beds, variable posture beds and beds with side rails and wheels. Think carefully about the way the bed will be used, and who might be using it and choose the most versatile and convenient option.