We’re Celebrating Carers’ Rights Day 2022!
If you’re a carer, paid or unpaid, then save the date! This year’s Carers’ Rights Day organised by CarersUK is 24th of November 2022 and is a necessary resource for all carers. This annual event does more than raise awareness of the vital role that carers have and what their needs are; it makes carers aware of their rights, and how and where to get support; something that many carers are either unaware of or feel too overwhelmed to try.
As a nation, we depend upon our carers, and the last 2 years has made their lives even more difficult than usual. The pandemic has made critical services harder to access, and the role seems to be even more of a plate-spinning exercise as individuals’ needs have increased as a direct result of Covid-19. Regardless of whether you get paid to care or are part of the huge and ever-growing group of unpaid carers, this year’s Carers’ Rights Day will enable you to look for the support you need – in the right places.
Your rights as a carer
There are a number of rights that are automatically yours when you are a carer and are in place to make your life easier. For example, an employment statute could help you to achieve flexible working arrangements to incorporate your caring with your role as an employee. Other rights include being entitled to a free flu jab; the right not to be discriminated against because of your carer’s role; to be identified as a carer with a GP practice, to be consulted about hospital discharge including discharge assessments for the person you care for; and the right to receive a carer’s assessment in order to access any council-provided care and support.

as a carer by your GP surgery.
2022’s theme
Each year, Carers’ Rights Day focuses on highlighting a particular aspect of carers’ rights and bringing organisations together in a concerted effort to maximise results in local communities. For 2022, the emphasis is on caring costs. Whether it’s the cost to unpaid carers’ wellbeing and ability to access health services, or the financial costs associated with looking after someone – or the effects on carers’ employment options. Taking care of someone may cost carers the quality of their relationships, through not being able to take time out to spend with friends and family or through changes to the relationship with those they care for. Also not forgetting the current cost of living crisis that is being felt even more acutely by carers throughout the UK.
How to get involved?
Planning an activity that raises awareness of unpaid carers’ rights or working with an organisation that specialises in a particular area, such as Age UK or Alzheimer’s Society, are two options that can have a huge impact. Many areas have local centres operating through Carer’s Trust that will welcome your help in making this year’s event more successful than ever. Schools, local businesses, community projects and local authorities are just a few organisations that could be a launchpad for your activity, and of course, don’t forget to target your local MP and councillors.
Online or face-to-face?
Of course because the pandemic hasn’t gone away, you may feel cautious about getting involved in a community project, but don’t let that deter you. Many activities can be virtual – from inviting a guest speaker to hold an online Q&A event to a virtual coffee morning! Naturally, whatever you decide to do, promotion is key. Social media is a great way to get the word out – not only by promoting via Facebook groups and pages but many councillors and politicians have their own Twitter accounts so don’t be shy when it comes to asking them to get involved and spread the word. When you tweet, remember to use #CarersRightsDay to ensure the right coverage.

during the pandemic, you can get involved in Carers’ Rights Day
by hosting a virtual coffee morning or Q&A event
Other successful ways of pushing your agenda in order to get it noticed are through local libraries, community centres and organisations, mental health charities, doctors’ surgeries, churches and other places of worship, local shops, and of course, you can contact your local press and radio station. Their websites will give you the necessary contact details.
These suggestions are just a few ways in which you can help to empower unpaid carers; not just to access the benefits and rights that they are entitled to but to have the confidence to reach out to the right people and organisations that can help them to make their lives easier, and to contest any incidents in which their rights are being withheld. If you would like more information on your role in making this year’s Carers’ Rights Day a massive success for legions of unpaid carers, as well as information on past successful and effective campaigns, or anything else on carers’ rights, then check out the CarersUK website.
Here at Fish Insurance, we celebrate carers and their rights today and everyday! Thank you for all you do.