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Julie Rogers’ top tips for success

1. Follow a dedicated training programme

My training programme is quite intense, and I train a lot more frequently now than when I first started out in athletics. I’m a sprinter, so we don’t cover a lot of distance but in a typical week we’ll cover speed acceleration, endurance strength and conditioning. I train at Bedford International Athletic Stadium with my coach, Allen Adamson.

2. Manage your time effectively

Although I dedicate a lot of time to training, I have my exams coming up and I know that my studies are very important too. It’s important to manage your time well and get everything done that you need to do, although it’s not always easy to make time for everything, my sister is always telling me not to procrastinate! I have great support from my school, Bedford Modern School, and I’m part of its Performance Programme which helps students training in elite level sport to excel both in their training and their studies.

3. Keep good company

I find the best way to stay motivated is to surround yourself with the right people. I’m lucky because I have really encouraging teammates and we all have a similar vision. If ever I’m feeling fed up I can always rely on them to spur me on. I’m also fortunate to have a really good coach in Allen who helps keep me motivated.

4. Prepare mentally as well as physically

It’s important to be mentally prepared for competing as well as physically. I get quite nervous before an event so I usually take myself off and just sit on my own and listen to music. It sounds a bit antisocial but it really helps me clear my head and get ready for my event.

5. Make sacrifices – but only if it’s worth it

I’ve had to sacrifice a lot of other things for training, especially recently. I’m at the age now where people are starting to go out more and I sometimes have to miss getting together with my friends. However, that’s the decision I made and it doesn’t bother me too much, when I think about the rewards I get from doing athletics it’s definitely worth it. It’s important that what you’re doing is right for you though, if you don’t think the rewards outweigh what you’re missing out on then maybe professional sport isn’t for you.

6. Be the best you can be

I think the easiest way to get the best out of your performance is to remind yourself what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. I don’t have any rituals or superstitions that I follow before I compete but I find that if you focus on your end goal and your reasons for wanting to achieve it, that’s all the motivation you’ll need.

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