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Disability travel phrasebook – Useful phrases for travelling Europe

There are plenty of beautiful and extremely accessible places to travel to in Europe, but inevitably there will be times when holidaymakers with disabilities may need to discuss their needs to someone who speaks another language. If you’re not prepared, you may quickly discover that language barriers can make things a little more difficult when trying to explain your accessibility needs to someone or ask them for help.

We’ve compiled a list of phrases you might find useful to have in the back of your mind if you’re travelling to Europe. Simply click on the language you’re looking for to jump straight to that section.

Paris - Sacre-Coeur
If you’re visiting somewhere in France that doesn’t seem immediately accessible,
it can be beneficial to know how to ask for assistance


Accessible facilities

Is there an entrance with no steps? – Y a-t-il une entrée sans des marches?

Where’s the lift? – Où est l’ascenseur?

A room on the ground floor – une chambre au rez-de-chaussée

I’d like an audio guide – Je vourdrais une audioguide

Is there a disabled toilet? – Y a-t-il une toilette handicapée?

My friend is outside in a wheelchair – Mon ami est dehors dans un fauteuil roulant

I’m in a wheelchair – Je suis dand un fauteuil roulant

Getting help

Can you help me? – Pouvez-vous m’aider?

Lift here and here – Levez ici et ici

Can you bring our luggage? – Pouvez-vous apporter notre bagage?


Do you speak English? – Parlez-vous anglais?

How do you say…? – Comment dit-on…?

Repeat please – Repetez-vous s’il vous plaît

Speak more slowly please – Parlez plu lentement

I don’t understand – Je ne comprends pas


Accessible facilities

Is there an entrance with no steps? – C’è entrata senza scale?

Where’s the lift? – Dov’è l’ascensore?

A room on the ground floor – Una stanza nel primo piano

I’d like an audio guide. – Vorrei una audio guide

Is there a disabled toilet? – C’è un bagno handicappato?

My friend is outside in a wheelchair – Il mio amico è fuori in una sedia a rotelle

I’m in a wheelchair. – Sono in una sedia a rotelle

Getting help

Can you help me? – Mi può aiutare?

Lift here and here – Alza qui e qui

Can you bring our luggage? – Può lei portare i nostri bagagli?


Do you speak English? – Parla lei inglese?

How do you say…? – Come si dice…?

Repeat please – Ripeta per favore

Speak slower please – Parla più pianoper favore

I don’t understand – Non capisco

While you might be pre-occupied with learning how to ask for a beer
in German – some phrases to help make people aware of your
accessibility needs could be useful too!


Accessible facilities

Is there an entrance with no steps? – Gibt es ein Eingang ohne Treppen?

Where’s the lift? – Wo ist der Aufzug?

A room on the ground floor – Ein Zimmer auf dem Erdgeschoss

I’d like an audioguide – Ich möchte ein audio guide

Is there a disabled toilet? – Gibt es ein behindertes Toillete?

My friend is outside in a wheelchair – Mein Freund ist draußen in einem Rollstuhl

I’m in a wheelchair – Ich bin in einem Rollstuhl

Getting help

Can you help me? – Können Sie mir helfen?

Lift here and here – Heben Sie hier und hier

Can you bring our luggage? – Können Sie unser Gepäck holen?


Do you speak English? – Sprechen Sie Englisch?

How do you say…? – Wie sagt man…?

Repeat please – Wiederholen Sie bitte

Speak more slowly please – Sprechen Sie langsameres bitte

I don’t understand – Ich verstehe nicht


Accessible facilities

Is there an entrance with no steps? – Há uma entrada sem degraus?

Where’s the lift? – Onde fica o elevador?

A room on the ground floor – o quarto ou térreo

I’d like an audio guide – Eu gostaria de um guia de áudio

Is there a disabled toilet? – Há um banheiro deficiente?

My friend is outside in a wheelchair – Meu amigo está fora numa cadeira de rodas

I’m in a wheelchair – Eu estou numa cadeira de rodas

Getting help

Can you help me? – Você pode ajudar-me?

Lift here and here – Levanta aqui e aqui

Can you bring our luggage? – Você pode trazer nossa bagagem


Do you speak English? – Você fala o ingles?

How do you say…? – Como se diz…?

Repeat please – Repete por favor

Speak more slowly please. – Fale mais lento por favor

I don’t understand – Não entendo

Barcelona - Las Ramblas
Barcelona – Las Ramblas


Accessible facilities

Is there an entrance with no steps? – Hay una entrada sin escalones

Where’s the lift? – ¿Dónde está el ascensor?

A room on the ground floor – Una habitación en la planta baja

I’d like an audio guide – Me gustaría una audioguía

Is there a disabled toilet? – ¿Hay un baño con discapacidad?

My friend is outside in a wheelchair – Mi amigo está afuera en una silla de ruedas

I’m in a wheelchair – Estoy en una silla de ruedas

Getting help

Can you help me? – ¿Me puedes ayudar?

Lift here and here – Levantar aquí y aquí

Can you bring our luggage? – ¿Puedes traer nuestro equipaje?


Do you speak English? – ¿Habla usted Inglés?

How do you say…? – Cómo se dice…?

Repeat please – Repita por favor

Speak more slowly please – Hable más despacio por favor

I don’t understand – No entiendo

For help, speak
to one of our team
call 0333 331 3770

A photo of a customer service employee.